What is your return policy?
Heat Free Hair is are happy to offer returns for store credit within 14 days of delivery!
To initiate a return, use this link to submit a request. All return requests receive a response within 1-2 business days. Please be sure to submit photos of your order to avoid delays with approving your request.
To be eligible for a return, your items must remain in its original condition; can not be removed from ties, washed, colored, brushed, excessively finger-combed, or tampered with in any way. Store credits do not expire for 3 years and can be combined with sales and promotions.
We recommend placing your order at least 2 weeks before hair appointments, travel plans, or special occasions in the event you need to make a return or correct a concern. Heat Free Hair is not responsible any interruption to personal plans but will do everything possible to complete requests as quickly as possible.
Heat Free Hair does not offer refunds.
If you received your order there was an error made with your order, please send us an email at customercare@heatfreehair.com or give us a call at 1-877-686-9044 for immediate assistance.