Do I have to sign for my package?

Do I have to sign for my package?

All packages require a signature for delivery if your order contains hair extensions. Heat Free Hair requires a signature for packages containing hair extensions, however, the courier may decide to leave the package in your mailbox if the package fits. If your delivery address has a concierge, mailroom, or front-desk clerk, the attendant is authorized to sign for packages on your behalf.

If no one is available to sign for your package, please contact the shipping company directly to reschedule the delivery or arrange a pickup. Abandoned or refused packages will not be refunded.  

If your package is marked as delivered but you have not received it, please check your mailbox, mailroom, concierge, or front desk. If you are still unable to locate your package after 48 hours, please contact the carrier directly. You can also check additional tracking details by visiting the courier website and entering your tracking number.

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