Why do I have multiple charges for the same order?

Why do I have multiple charges for the same order?

There may be two charges to your billing account, if the first payment attempt failed and a subsequent order is placed and is successful. This may cause your billing statement to show a pending charge on the first attempt and an another charge for the second attempt. If you are experiencing this, please take the following steps:

  1. Verify that you only received one order confirmation from us
  2. If you only have one order confirmation email, please wait a few days and your bank should reverse the pending charge.
  3. If after a few days, you still see the charge, please contact your bank directly.
  4. If you did receive two order confirmation emails with two different order numbers, please contact us ASAP at 1-877-686-9044 or at customercare@heatfreehair.com with the following details:

Name and email address used to place the order

Date of your purchase

Amount(s) charged

Order numbers

Our payment processing system will only capture a payment once but we will be happy to assist you with investigating your concerns in a timely manner.

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